Before I start my post, I wanted to say a big Happy Birthday to Ashley! And, also, Shannon took the day off yesterday to spend with her family! Have you ever taken a mental health day from work or school? I used to be a professional at that! Sometimes, we need to take a break from our blog too :-)
So, I hope this isn't a completely crazy post, or boring, but, it has been a crazy week in my personal life, and I'm just not ready to share yet! But, I thought I would share something fun!
So, I am going to share what is in my diaper bag, and if I can get everything to cooperate, post pictures with it! When I was pregnant packing my first diaper bag, I had it beyond full. A lot of things I didn't need, and some things I did need I didn't have in there! So, I will share with you what is in my sweet girls diaper bag, at 9 months old!
Let's get started! First off, we carry an Eddie Bauer diaper bag that we purchased at Babies R Us when we were pregnant. Originally, this was going to be the "Dad bag" but I love all the pockets, and how spacious it is! I secretly wish it were cuter though! We registered at Babies, and purchased the bag with a gift card. It was $34.99 and I had a 20% off coupon!
I'll also post a picture of the bag I take with me when I am running a quick trip somewhere. This bag is much cuter! My husband got it for me for Christmas. Well, not originally. Originally, he picked a way overpriced bag from Aldo that I think my Grandma would carry. Just not my style. So we returned it, and I found this bag, on clearance (of course) for around $15.

Okay, let's unpack!

On to the inside...
First, there are two sides, a middle pocket that divides the center, and is removable, and side pockets!
To start with one side.
~I have a Mickey Mouse book that plays music. N LOVES these books! We have tons.
~There are two mini board books, also Mickey.
~I also packed an extra outfit since you never know when a blow out will strike or a meal will get very messy!
~There are two diapers (size 3, up and up)
~ A rubber ducky that I got for .30 right after Valentines Day on clearance
~ A Nuby sippy cup
~ An emergency take and go baby food packet, Pear and Butternut squash from Target,
~ A bowl from Ikea, there are five packs for a couple of dollars there and they are AWESOME. I have pink packed for now!
~ Snacks~ Puffs (strawberry apple), Yogurt Melts (Mixed Berry) and an all natural teething biscuit from whole foods. The brand is healthy living or something like that.
In the Center pocket, that is removable you will find
~ Coupons! Of course! I have target coupons, and some cleaning product coupons that my husbands grandma mailed to me! Isn't she the sweetest?!
~ A little baggie with tylenol and cough drops
~My Wallet
In my wallet (which is from Target) I have...
~ Debit card
~ Target red card, which is attached to my checking account
~ Costco card
~ Health insurance card
~ Drivers license
~ $2 in cash. I have an extremely weird thing about cash. I rarely carry it because I cannot stand the thought of the germs.
~ Three stamps
~Library card
~ Gift Cards
~ Loyalty card to Once Upon a Child
Other side pocket
~A bee/butterfly/dragonfly/we have no idea what it is toy.
~Pair of socks
~Sophie Teether
~Cute little turtle that squirts water. As you can tell she is teething like crazy!
I cannot get this picture to rotate for the life of me! Sorry!! And the one above this will not flip to be right side up! Oh well. Builds character right?!
~Sun screen. SPF 30 for baby. I use this on days that it is partly cloudy, and she will still have a hat on.
~ Vanilla lipsmacker chapstick

~ Baby Tylenol- cherry flavored- up and up brand
~ A medicine dropper
~ Hyland's all natural teething tablets
~ Tiny travel Aquaphor healing ointment (princess has excema)
~ Tiny Cetaphil lotion
~ Travel sized Desitin diaper cream
~ Baby N's sunglasses
Hopefully this wasn't too boring of a post! Sorry the pictures are darker, I had the lights off because N is sleeping! Also, I wanted to add a couple of things! I keep two extra bags in the car. One is a brown and pink polka dot diaper bag. This has extra wipes, diapers, outfits, band aids, etc. I also have an anchor tote bag that has toys in it. Having these in the car allows my diaper bag to have way less in it. The ones in the car are mainly for emergencies. I also keep extra blankets in them, winter hats, short sleeved onesies, etc. And, lastly, I do carry wipes. haha. They are missing from the diaper bag all of a sudden and I can't find them anywhere!
But, in every diaper bag, in my opinion, the must haves are diapers, wipes, extra outfit, toys, pacis (if used), food/formula/breastmilk (or nothing -or nursing cover- if you're baby drinks fresh from the tap ;-) )
I hope you all have a wonderful Sunday. Happy Easter, if you celebrate!