Big M's due date was March 28th and that week leading up to his arrival was the most anxious and excited I think I've ever been in my life!! Hubbers and I finished putting the final touches on the new nursery. We started preparing ourselves for the new addition by placing a bassinet next to our bed and we just started counting down the days! The day before I actually went into full on labor I went into the "nesting" phase. BIG TIME!! My husband recalls "I came home from work and the house was quite literally spotless!" I remember when he walked in I was sanitizing absolutely everything baby in boiling water! I had inventoried and folded all the baby clothes and organized and reorganized our little man's dresser and was scrubbing EVERYTHING! I was so exhausted from all my nesting instincts I went to bed super early that night. I started having contractions that night and the next morning after seeing my hubby off to work I just sat and waited. I remember I made sure to wear the comfiest maternity outfit I had because I was so uncomfortable and I just knew it was going to be 'tonight'! I put the hospital bag next to the front door and just waited. I tried to keep track of my contractions but Shannon is easily distracted and I was having a "My Baby Story" marathon (watching birth stories on tv) when hubs came home and I had been having early contractions (the getting started contractions is what I call them) but I paid no real never mind to them while I was on my own.
My husband got home from work and we did our usual walk around the block routine and grabbed some Chinese take out from the Oriental Wok that was literally down the road from where we lived at the time and went home and watched Property Virgins together on HGTV. :) We just went about our normal routine until around 5 pm and the oh mama pajama real contractions hit... I was having to consciously breathe through these bad boys! So my hubby being the sweety pie that he is ran a nice warm bath for me and reminded me that I need to just relax and everything will be ok. He helped me into my bath and went out to get things ready for that "IT'S HAPPENING!??!!" moment! All through my soaking in the bathtub I was having some pretty intense contractions and after I got out I put my pjs on and tried to get a little sleep I tossed and turned with contractions all night and hubby went into PT the next morning to let his chain of command know that I was pretty much in labor now they told him just don't bother comin back to work for the rest of the day and after he was released he came home. I had still been having pretty regular contractions while he was gone so when he got back we decided to go on post to the hospital. They checked me and I was only at 2cm and starting to efface but no"real" progress to speak of so they sent me home to wait it out.
We went home and I was extremely frustrated I remember crying a lot and being a total wreck while my husband comforted me saying soon. For about two and a half to three hours I tried to just breathe through my contractions I did NOT want to be sent home again so we waited and counted contractions. We lost count and when I started sobbing and shaking we decided it was time to go back in to the hospital. When we arrived I opted for the wheelchair as I was unsteady on my feet and still shaking pretty badly. They took us up to Labor and Delivery and put us in an exam room the nurse checked me and said we were 'only' 4cm and about 80% effaced they said "well honey you're making some progress but we still don't think you're ready to be admitted" I lost it! I started just sobbing hysterically and was just a mess I was still shaking and actually started hyperventilating on my next contraction and on the little stress machine they saw baby's heartbeat drop significantly so they quick, fast, and in a hurry admitted us got me in our delivery room and hooked up to an IV. They had me hooked up to the machine and IV in a matter of minutes they offered me pain medications that I refused because I had wanted to go as natural as I possibly could. Hubs and I just waited in the room as my contractions intensified and he helped me breathe through each reminding me "breathe babe you gotta breathe... ok, that's the peak of that one it's almost over ok, done" after a few hours they checked me again and I was up to 5cm and still 80% effaced. I was really suffering and laboring hard so I relented and decided I wanted an epidural... NOW!!!
Hubby and I put on a movie while we waited and I tried to focus. The anesthesiologist came up and did his stab me in the back with a HUGE flippin' needle thing and I was finally able to just relax a bit my body was exhausted and so I was extremely grateful for the relief! I vaguely remember talking on the phone to my mama and her telling me I was doing such a good job and she was super proud of me. Aww mama I love you! But I got off the phone because the nurse came in to check me again and found that I was only 6cm still 80% effaced so again with the waiting I still had contractions but I fell asleep for a bit from a combination of sheer physical exhaustion and the relief of pain from the epidural.
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Baby Big M! |
I woke up about 45 minutes later with the intense urge to push my husband remembers "I woke up the nurse came in and I heard you say you needed to push the nurse said there was no way and she lifted the sheet and said woah k let me go get the doctor." I remember getting excited then and starting to shake again and my hubs still groggy and waking up said, "woah woah are we havin' a baby now?". The nurse hustled in with the doctor and I assumed the pushing position I pushed only about 5 minutes 3 pushes and he was out he was actually born in his amniotic sack because my water never broke prior. So my husband cut the umbilical cord and they placed him on my chest and with tears running down my face I looked in the face of my sweet baby boy. It's true what they say about how the pain and ordeal of labor and delivery just melts away once you look into those sweet baby's eyes and hold him close! It's so true my whole body just relaxed as I held him close and I fed him. He was born March 27th (the day before his due date) 7lbs 12oz and 19.5inches long! I watched as my hubby gave Big M his first bath and we ate and slept and the next morning we were discharged and got to go home with our brand new bouncing baby boy! :)
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Hubbers and baby Big M. |
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Me and my baby Big M. |
Our lives are richer because we have been blessed with our son! He is just awesome and we are constantly amazed by his intelligence and his hysterical personality! So in those frazzled mama moments I like to just go back to those very first precious moments when I met our sweet Big M! I love my baby boy so much and I absolutely can't imagine my life without him!! I hope you have enjoyed my first Baby Story it is quite the journey to become a mama but once you are life will never be the same! I hope y'all have a fantastic weekend with your families! Love you all and tune in tomorrow for a new Kailly post. :) I'm gonna go have some ice cream now! :) Goodnight!
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Our very first family photo (Big M 2.5 weeks) |
wishing you delightful a Friday night and a wonderful weekend with big smiles and lots of happy hugs from me to each of you... Shannon :)
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