As you may have alluded to, thanks to the title of this post, I have been "pinning" like nuts on Pinterest this week! I figured I have the extra time here and there, and I need a hobby. Also, last week, a girl on one of my mommy forums posted, asking us all how frequently we actually accomplish the things that we pin on Pinterest. I realized that I had only ever done one thing! So, my response was "ummm... once every 3 years!" Haha! So, I decided that I really needed to rectify the situation or delete my Pinterest account. So I started looking at DIY stuff for home decor, little boy's rooms, and just cool DIY projects in general.
One project I'm working on, which is not quite complete yet, is turning a pair of ripped jeans into cute shorts. I'm not going to share them yet because they aren't cute at this point. However, I will share them once I've completed them.
One project that I did complete within just minutes of deciding to do it and running to the dollar store, is actually one that I stole from our very own miss Shannon. I'm not sure if she got it from Pinterest or not, but here it is!
I realize that these aren't the best pictures, but I did take them on my iPad. Anyway, they are picture frame message boards! I picked up the picture frames for $3 each, grabbed a pack of multicolored paper for $1, and a package of magnetic dry erase markers for $1.50. (The magnetic part is on the caps, so I can keep them on the refrigerator, since these are hanged on the wall in my kitchen.) The frame with pink paper, is my daily chore and to-do list; the one with blue has my shopping list as it builds. This is super simple and much cuter than a white board or cork board in the kitchen!
Here is my next project:
I made my own "clorox" wipes! I took a few old rags and cut them into small rectangles, and recycled an old wipes container. I made the solution from a recipe on Pinterest, which I modified a tad for my own use. I filled the container half way with hot water; added two caps full of rubbing alcohol; a teaspoon of dish soap (recipe calls for Dawn brand soap, specifically); and a few drops of tea tree oil, though in my next batch, I think I'm going to use lemon juice instead. Let your rags soak in the solution, squeeze out a little before using and you can even rinse one during a use, so that you don't go through all of your rags. One thing that I didn't really think about, was a container specifically for the used rags, since I was feeling like I did when I made my cloth baby wipes. But in this case, I don't already have a bucket for them. I'm going to go on the hunt back at the dollar store - I love that place. ~teehee~
Alright... my last two things to share in this post, are quite simple, but still fu, though you may find it boring.

I looked at some of the really fun manis and pedis that people post on Pinterest and decided to try them for myself! One idea that I thought looked really clean and crisp for Summer, was the white toes. I just added a dot of glitter polish on each big toe for a little dimension.
Last, I saw a black french manicure, with a v-shape. I thought it looked really nice with the v-shape, but personally prefer a white french manicure. So, I used the shape, but did white tips. i think it turned out pretty well! It feels like I came from the nail salon, but I only spent $3! $1 on the white ( thank you again, dollar store) and $2 on the base/top coat.
Well, that's all I have for you for today! I want to know what kind of crafty and fun things you have found on Pinterest, which you completed. How did it turn out compared to what you saw? Have a lovely Wednesday evening!
Zebra Hugs and Love,
Oh... and here is Baby C:
Fun stuff, Honey! I'm so glad you're having fun getting organized. (You know I'm proud, right?!)But I have to say, "Hey, that really looks like my hand!" He-he ;)