Monday, September 23, 2013

And She Never Peeled Potatoes Again...

Happy Monday, everyone! This is going to be short and sweet, since typing is a bit painful. 

Allow me to jump right in by sharing a short story:

There once was a very clumsy girl. This clumsy girl had a husband and a son whom she loved very much, and they loved her too. She wasn't much of a cook, but her intentions were pure, as she made home made mashed potatoes one day. She was in a hurry, as a party would be starting soon, so she grabbed the peeler and got to work. She peeled those potatoes and quickly as she could so that they could go in the pot as soon as could be. But the quicker she peeled, the clumsier she became, until there was a sudden, sharp, stinging pain on one finger tip. She looked down and alas, a chunk of her finger tip was gone. And that was the last day she ever used a potato peeler. 

Haha... yes. I "peeled" off a good, deep chunk of my middle finger tip, which is used in a lot of typing, so, as I said, this will be short. 

This last week has been really focused on working out C's sleeping habits, as well as MH's and my habits relating to C's sleep. We have a really good new routine down, and it seems to get him calm enough to go right down. The biggest hurdle has been getting him to stay asleep, or, I guess more accurately, to put himself back down calmly when he does wake. As a huge Scentsy fan, I have a warmer [literally] in every room of my house. This includes C's room. Typically, I leave it on at night because it does help to see when I need to go in there and help him out in any way. But this weekend, I realized that it really is quite bright and would bug me if I woke up and the warmer in my own room was on. So, we have gone to pitch black in his room and I'm hoping that does help. Saturday was really quite miserable, as he had a very tough time Friday night. But he is making progress. I just have to remember that. He did have a few nights in a row that he only woke up twice. Saturday night was also a bit rough, but again, I remind myself to take a step back and really look at the night in detail, not just as a whole. What actually did change, despite the things that might appear to have stayed the same? Even those small changes are progress and that keeps me encouraged. I am continuing to read The No-Cry Sleep Solution and it is full of so many helpful hints and great tips, as well as some awesome encouragement in between! 

I wish I had something more interesting to post about, but this has really been our focus lately. 

I continue to receive small comments here and there, but just remind myself that I am making the right decisions for my family; that MH and I are raising our son how it works for us and that makes it right. People say "there is no right or wrong way" when it comes to parenting. But I disagree... there is a right way: your way; the way that you choose for your family, because it works for YOU. That is all that matters. 

Okay, well, that's all my poor middle finger tip can muster for now, so I will be back next week... hopefully with a much more favorable finger tip. :) Have a lovely evening and a beautiful Tuesday! 

Zebra hugs and love,

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