Thursday, September 19, 2013

Wacky Wednesdays... or Thursdays or.... what year is it again??

Hey yall Shannon (mostly) here. Hope yall are walkin' on sunshine and having a great Wednesday... or Thursday ... or whatever day it might be ... my brain doesn't like functioning lately so my internal calendar is like 5 hours and a day behind... (literally I drafted this blog post last week) but anyway this is going to be one of those random all over the place posts otherwise known as a day in the life post...

I am absolutely, positively convinced that all mamas eventually develop some sort of attention deficit disorder somewhere along the line also known as having children. And it's no wonder we go a little bonkers sometimes...

This was my last week (yester)day...

make coffee nope make breakfast ok get dressed nope get kiddos dressed forget im still in pjs start on dishes break up dueling brothers... realize i have zero clean maternity pants clean so decide I am sure not in a dress mood and toss on my polkadot laundry day leggings finish getting dressed switch over laundry come back to finish dishes realize I wanted coffee...  start to tidy living room... emergency potty break for boys ok done finish tidying living room ... realize I have yet to eat. Eat brunch feed kiddos. Vacuum. Go back to dishes. Emergency potty break for mommy. (Ahh the joys of preggo bladder) get a call from Hubbers "be home late babe, don't forget we have company tonight". Of course I forgot I cant even remember my dag burn coffee that is still as I type sits waiting to be remembered?! Tidy front room. Lunch. Restart forgotten laundry and attempt to find my sanity that has been on vacation somewhere apparently... prepare glazed salmon and herbed rice for dinner guests realize I am wearing black and covered in dog hair do a quick change into presentable clothes. Guests arrive and Hubbers was still not home yet so my gal pal and I took the boys to the park after a mini rainstorm and let them go puddle jumpin to their hearts content. Caught a woman looking at me like I was a crazy person and maybe I am but 1. We live in a desert climate currently and the boys rarely get to experience the joy of puddles. 2. They are MY kiddos not hers. 3. They only get to be little kids once in their life and I plan on making as many amazing and fun memories together as we can especially the messy, mud puddle jumpin kind :) had a short very soggy walk back home.  dinner is served good visit with great company! Bedtime! And that was our day :) and it was wonderful!

I thought just for fun I would post a little preggo survey that I found online... so enjoy

How far along? 27 weeks 1 day

Maternity clothes? recently I have outgrown my last pair of maternity jeans so its either basketball shorts, pj pants, or leggings these days.  I wish i could live in yoga pants!

Weight gain: definitely who doesnt gain weight while preggers??

Stretch marks: yep sure do have them surprisingly not as noticable as when I had Big M

Sleep: Sleep is pretty good, Baby M just decides that 2am-5am is like fight night or somethin

Best moment this week: listening to Middle M talk to my belly and telling Baby M that "he is his big brudder"

Miss Anything? SUSHI!!!!! I have been craving some tasty sashimi since I found out I was preggers!

Movement: oh yes! I love every precious thump and belly surfin moment!

Food cravings: salad and fresh vegetables mostly, chocolate too but thats normal for me haha

Anything making you queasy or sick: certain smells get me bad. Gasoline is not a pleasant smell ever but especially unpleasant while using a k9 unit worthy prego nose And if someone is smoking within a 7 mile radius I know about it and it makes me nauseous!

Gender: BABY BOY!!!

Labor Signs: he recently dropped lower annd is no longer using my ribs as a jungle gym. And a few braxton hicks contractions here and there

Symptoms: heartburn, backaches, and my hips being on fire basically.

Belly Button in or out? Most definitely sporting a half outie these days haha

Wedding rings on or off? Wedding ring still on but my family ring that my sweet Hubbers designed that I wear on my right hand is too tight and had to be stored away.

Happy or Moody most of the time: mood swings like this: happy, anxious, happy, ready to tear off someone's face off amd back to happy and tired

Looking forward to: Getting our nursery squared away and shopping for the cutest little onesies and fuzzy jammies again!

Well everyone I hope yall have an awesome weekend sorry this post was delayed again. Have a fantastic weekend with your loved ones and dont forget to stop and take a moment to make a goofy fun memory like puddle jumpin :)

Hugs and smiles and always polkadot love from our house to yours... Shannon :)

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