Saturday, May 18, 2013

A Project and a Thought

No idea why this photo is sizing strange, but this is N and I today!
Hey everyone! Kailly here. It's been quite a while, hasn't it? Hope you are all doing well. It has been a crazy few weeks for us. L and I celebrated our 2 year wedding anniversary on the 7th of May, and we are quickly approaching our beautiful daughters first birthday. I am in birthday mode fully, and have been spending some time on pinterest finding ideas. I swear they should call it "thinking you've been looking for 5 minutes, only to realize it has been hours." Oh, and we celebrated Mother's Day too!

So, while looking at birthday projects recently, I decided to look into toy box ideas. N has toys in her nursery, that I store in fabric bins in a cube organizer. We have a leather ottoman in our living room that looks like furniture, but stores toys. And, she had a big basket in our play room of toys. But, things were getting a little crowded. I wanted to get her  toy box. After seeing how ridiculously expensive they are at stores, I decided to build one. Once realizing I didn't have the tools I needed, I decided to keep researching. On pinterest I found an idea using an Ikea toy box. We have a fairly new Ikea by us, so I chose to head there with my step dad a couple of Fridays ago and see what we could find. We found the toy box. It has white plastic type sides and light oak wood for $14.99.
We then headed to Joann Fabric. N picks out her outfits daily, her hair bows, socks, everything, so I knew she would want to choose her own fabric. We walked through the clearance aisle, and she pointed at a few. I let her choose between two fabric choices whittling it down to the final pick. White fabric covered with lime green flowers and cute pink elephants! So cute!

The next morning when N was napping, I took the wood pieces outside and painted them pink. We had paint left over from when we painted her nursery, so I used that. We didn't end up using it in her nursery either, so I had plenty. Originally, I got a sample from Home Depot, and used about half on her toy box. Once that was dry, I measured the fabric and cut it while the iron was heating up. Then I attached the fabric to the box. I loved the outcome! But, some of my edges were rough due to dull scissors so I added some ribbon with the help of N's Godmommy! It was her idea and I am super thankful! We love it!!

Also, just wanted to let everyone know that I am struggling with blogging. Believe me when I say I love to blog, and get my feelings out. But, lately I am just unsure about it. So, I may take the summer off to be with my family. I still haven't fully decided, but I am going to think about it and pray about it. I'll let you all know next week!



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