Monday, May 27, 2013

SAHM - My new Wifestyle and adventures in Mommyhood!

Good evening, everyone! I write to you as our long weekend together comes to and end, and man is it a gorgeous evening! :) It has been a great weekend, but this past week has been pivotal for our family. 

First, I hope you all had a wonderful Memorial Day and weekend! If you haven't already, be sure to take a minute and thank a member of the armed services for their time, sacrifice and commitment to our country. Let us also remember to thank their families! Sometimes we forget about the mothers, wives, husbands, and children at home waiting and sacrificing all the same. 

Moving on...  
During our travels to and from New Mexico, MH and I really sat down and talked about whether or not I should continue working. We always knew that we would like for me to stay home with baby C, but it was all a matter of figuring out when it would be the right time. Long story short, everything happened much more quickly than MH and I had planned for several reasons, but last Monday ended up being my last day and I am proud to announce that I am now officially a SAHM - stay at home mommy! :D I honestly couldn't be happier! Since being home, I have been able to accomplish so much at home. I feel like I have a much better handle on our finances, our home, and C's schedule. 

In the adventures of mommyhood, I - well, we - started crib training C last week. That first night was really hard, even though C did really well! After rocking him and laying him down in his crib, I walked out of the nursery and cried a few proud, bittersweet tears as I watched my baby boy on the video monitor. I can't believe how he is growing up! I am such a proud mommy, though! We had two kind of rough nights when C fought, but he has taken to his crib beautifully and had slept great! All but one night in the last week, he has woken only once! Last night, he woke up (technically) 3 times, so that was a little rough; but his schedule was a bit off, so I can't blame him too much. 

In the way of my wifestyle, I have found that I really do enjoy making this house a home for my family and taking that stress off of my husband. I enjoy being able to have him come home to a clean house and dinner waiting! It just puts a huge smile on my face to know that as the provider for our family, MH has less stress when he gets home. It truly means the world to me! Over the weekend though, we busted our humps! We had some time with family on Saturday afternoon and then worked in the yard all day yesterday. MH got the lawn mowed a fertilised, during which I trimmed the trees and weeded and trimmed the garden... It's a pre-existing garden and I'm hoping to learn a little something about gardening so that I can do some transplanting before it gets too hot outside. I did used to do quite a bit of gardening with my mom growing up, but I haven't done it myself at all. In fact, I've never really been able to keep much alive. I killed a cactus. Worse than that, I killed a bamboo plant. :/ I'm still gonna give it a try though! :) Anyway, our last project was building Rue puppy a dog run! We got it put up on the side of the house and she seems to be seriously loving her "mini yard"! We were absolutely exhausted by the time we finished and so was baby C! Sitting in his stroller and watching to make sure we did it all right was very tiring! ;) The good thing is that we got our day started fairly early, so we finished early enough to enjoy the rest of the afternoon and evening watching movies and having family time. It was a good day. 

Today, MH got to stay home with us and other than just doing regular chores, we pretty much just had more time together; and this evening, we went to have a little "picnic" with the in-laws, as a bunch of them just got back from a beautiful vacation in Mexico! It was great to see them all! One cousin is getting ready to get married and another is getting ready to welcome a baby boy (their second) this August! That's two babies and four Weddings this year for our family! Then of course, we will have C's first birthday, but that's still a ways away! - thank goodness. ;) 

Coming up, I have some projects that I have in mind, and I am excited to share them with you all! My first one is experimenting with cloth wipes to add to our cloth diapers! This week, we are also getting ready to start C on purées! I'm excited to start making them and I can't wait to see C's reactions as he starts discovering foods! :) I will keep you all updated with these upcoming adventures for sure! I know this is kind of a short post, but I will make up for it next week. I have this nasty dry cough from allergies, so laryngitis is inching it's way in and trying to take over. Therefore, I am a bit extra tired. 

Well, I hope you all have a wonderful, beautiful week! 

Zebra love and hugs! 


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