Monday, May 6, 2013

A Quarter Life

Happy Monday, everyone! I hope your weekend was fun-filled, and fabulous, with lots of family time! :)

This is going to be a short post, as all three of us are sick... Again. I swear, we keep cycling the same crud through. To top it all off, this momma has mastitis, and it SUUUUUCKS. It could be worse, I'm sure, but it still isn't any fun at all. In any case, we still had a fun weekend for the most part! Saturday, I did a photo shoot for a friend, as she is graduating nursing school! It was a blast and she was a fantastic model! It also helps that the weather was great and the sun was absolutely perfect. Photography has always been something that I've enjoyed and I love capturing people, places and things at their best as well as their worst. And lately, as opportunities in my and MH's life have presented themselves, I have been finding myself in the middle of a slight identity crisis. Don't get me wrong, I'm very confident as a mommy. No, I don't have all of the answers, and I'm FAR from perfect, but I still feel very confident as a mommy. However, I'm having a hard time trying to decide what I want to be when I grow up. There are so many things I love, but only a few that I think I'm actually good at, and even still, even fewer of them that present me with the reality of any kind of income potential. I've tried my hand at photography and photo retouching the last few years, and I feel like I get better and better and learn with experience. Not to mention, I enjoy every waking moment of a photo shoot and the subsequent photo editing. I really just love it! So, I've started working to find new ways to market myself here and there, and it seems to be going pretty well so far. I have a few more sessions scheduled for this month, and I simply can not wait! My biggest goal is to find a Wedding to do. I love Wedding photography and would love to be able to market myself for all kinds of people photography. But, as a friend photographer pointed out, I don't want to limit myself to ONLY people photography. I still enjoy landscape/nature and artistic photography, but I don't know that I have as much of an opportunity for that at this point in my life. Still, I'm hesitant to shut that door completely.

Anyway, Sunday was MH's birthday and we celebrated with his family, and he even got a piñata! It was hilarious watching him and his brother trying to beat the candy and money out of the clown piñata. Yeah... I said clown. It was terribly creepy. People think MH and I are weird though... We never surprise each other with gifts... We always just pick out our gift and go get it (usually before the actual day) haha! I guess I shouldn't say we NEVER surprise each other. After all, MH did surprise me this year with a pre-planned visit from my mom and my niece. But I'm talking gifts here. We always know what we're getting, but hey... I've never gotten something I didn't like, and I don't think I've ever gotten MH something he didn't like! So, it works for us. In any case, it was a fun day, complete with a Cinco de Mayo cake that said "Niño, Feliz Cumpleanos, blanco!" ("Happy Birthday, white boy!")

Last week, baby C had his "four month" check up (half a month late) and also got his shots. He was such a trooper! He hardly cried for his shots, which meant that I didn't cry! Haha! I can't believe how big he is getting! He is just learning, and growing, and exploring and experimenting and I love watching as much of it as I can! But this morning, I had another "mommy guilt" moment. I was getting C ready to go, and he was just being extra sweet and smiley, in spite of his cough and stuffy nose. I looked at him laying on my bed while I packed up his diaper bag, and just kept saying "ohhh... I don't even kind of want to leave you!" Yeah... This whole working mom thing just isn't vibing with me anymore. :/ But I do what I can.

Well... That's all I've got for today. Sorry if this was boring for you all. I'll be sort of using you as a sounding board for a while, while I continue to figure out exactly what I want to be when I grow up.
I'm not going to torture you with an OOTD pic today, as it's not cute, what's going on right now. Haha. But I will share some cute little "artsy" photos I have of baby C instead!

Zebra hugs and love!


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